Friday, June 15, 2007

Labelled Diagram Of Viking Long Ship

Starting a live model

Hi friend, or, through this medium I can get to you, the primary reason is for the sake of you and others and the truth and now we know that this world is life or falling (negative), no is to panic yet, but it is time to take a little bit of conscience, not to continue is slow destruction or camouflaged crisis that affects us and affects all alike, is about making a living model alternative work and parallel to the present, a pilot model for later serve as an example to be followed by individuals, families, towns, etc, is like applying a final medical to eradicate once and for all all evil will be progressively, logically, that if effective. Many or several institutions have tried or wanted to have not achieved by X reasons, my analysis is that first to see such a solution must start from oneself, able to overcome these negative forces that dominate, blind, maim the common human being of any "class" that prevents them from seeing what is the true reality in which we live and act in a wrong antihuman , so never achieved or will achieve nothing positive, etc, but now the important thing is that there is already this different life, is simple to implement, most simple logic that humans use today, that the benefits outweigh or are more abundant, unlike the current system where human activities cause more damage , and live where there are plenty of benefits would happily easy adapt. more info on


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