INTRODUCTION Throughout history, humans have wondered what was the meaning of your dreams, but few have been those who were able to decipher. When someone wanted to know what meant the dream he had, was to call on someone to interpret it, who was not always known or was within reach, so that the dream was no interpretation.
This course has as its main objective is to learn how to interpret your own dreams without outside help, thus becoming a more mature and independent person able to thrive thanks to its internal resources, resources that we all have and are only waiting to be awakened.
The first day of the course you will learn an effective method to achieve dreams and you will remember also incubate dreams for your benefit. The second day
be devoted exclusively to learning dream interpretation and the interpretation of dreams taken by participants of the course during the previous week.
Finally, the third day we shall work on lucid dreams and nightmares dreaded to make our dreams work for us.
After completing the course will have all the resources needed for a better understanding of yourself to, to solve the problems you encountered in daily life and those who have not found a solution or even to be more creative by working of your dreams.
WHAT ARE DREAMS? We all dream
several times during sleep, we agree or not on awakening, since dreaming is a universal experience. Dreams are an asset to our subconscious to help us process the information that keeps our brain, especially on an emotional level, they never lie about our emotions and feelings.
Dreams can be classified into:
border Dreams are those that are in the moments before losing consciousness and fall asleep, normally related to the activities taking place during the day. Dreams
realignment occur because of external physical agents such as hitting, rubbing or excessive heat. For example, often dreams we run but you can not move and when we woke up we see that our legs tangled in the sheets. Dreams
satisfaction: are the dreams in which they are made of desires we have in real life, give us that life in reality denies us. An example is the person who dreams of food when just dieting. Intellectual satisfaction
Dreams: These dreams are those who are so absorbed in his work that while asleep, your subconscious is still working and highly creative during that time as ideas emerge which can then be applied to their work.
premonitory dreams, are messages that do not affect the past but can warn of danger or help us to achieve success in any business.
Lucid dreams are those in which we realize we are dreaming and can change the course of events at will.
Nightmares: are the last resort to use our unconscious to show us something not recognized in ourselves but we need to understand.
The first difficulty is that many find they do not remember what you dreamed when you wake up, only remember fragments or if you remember the dream soon forget him. So we must prepare for later to remember our dreams.
The first thing to do is provide us with the equipment needed to work with our dreams, we will leave material in a place that can be easily accessed from the bed. This material is:
- Pen and paper or tape recorder and
- Folder to save the dreams
- Notebook to use as "Dictionary of Dreams." Male and female Antahkarana
Once these elements together we can start working.
Select a period of calm days or vacation accommodation to work with dreams. Make sure that your room has a pleasant (if you want you can turn incense cedar, juniper ...) and your bedding is as comfortable as possible.
It reviews the words and deeds of the day. If you have lived through times of plenty, can be evoked. If the relationship with someone has been bad, you can restore harmony in the heart.
The anthakarana is a symbol that has been used for centuries in Tibet and China to assist in the spiritual evolution and personal development.
has two variants: the smaller with thicker lines are the male and is often used in meditation, in the quartz crystal mandalas and dream recall. The larger, thinner lines is the feminine and its effects are usually more subtle but no less effective.
antahkarana Place under your pillow for its power to help you develop and remember your dreams. We recommend starting with the antahkarana female to male as dreams tend to be more intense and is best left for when you're accustomed / aa working with dreams, but in any case is only a recommendation and if your intuition tells you to start Men must make the case.
Place your bed near the material that you use to describe your dream in order to not be necessary to get up, so you can record more data back to sleep even later if you wish. Every night
you must take a full glass of water to where you go to sleep (those who know they can charge it with Reiki). Just at the moment I have to sleep take a glass of water, closes his eyes and lifts up (this is done so that our brain starts to function in an altered state of consciousness to change Beta brain waves to waves Alfa) and I drink about half a glass of water while you say "this is all I have to do to remember your dreams." You open your eyes to leave the glass of water and then close them again willing to sleep and dream. Waking
you catch the excess water and repeat the operation by the eyes, raising and saying "this is all I have to do to remember the dreams. "
Then you take the recorder or pen and paper and stop recording or writing the dream but only remember a small piece, taking care to make the story in present tense as if the dream was happening at that time (do not tell "was walking "but" I'm walking. ") Do not forget to record the date to have dreams then sorted.
This operation will always make you wake up but then you sleep again (except the glass of water that can be done only once, although it can be done on each occasion that he goes to sleep if they want in the same day).
not try to understand the dream, just write it down. Often only remember the last scene of a dream or loose items, use them to reach previous scenes. The phrases, names or poems should be written first, it is forget what used to be a dream.
HATCHING can also use what is called "dream incubation" when you need to solve something that worries you. This shall include the following:
Choose a night when you're not too tired / a. Before going to bed should you order the feelings and emotions that have lived throughout the day. It is therefore recommended you record your experiences in a notebook.
Think you're worried about the situation and analyze it thoroughly and unhurried (causes of the problem, possible solutions ...).
Resume in one sentence what is bothering you, expressing your desire to resolve the situation. For example: "Help me understand why my boss never have considered." Use
telling a glass of water "That's all I have to make my dreams help me understand why my boss never have considered." Between sleep when you forget about all this, just center yourself to sleep peacefully. Record
sleep as soon as you wake up. Maybe you provide a clue to address your problem.
INTERPRETING DREAMS Dreams do not have the language we use everyday when we are awake, but a much more subtle but more effective, since it is the same language used by our subconscious mind at all times, we are awake or asleep. Our goal is thus
decipher the language of each one of us, so that the dream had to know know know also the message it contains.
If you have time it is best to decipher the dreams begin soon. To do this, take the sheet of paper where you jotted down the dream and another sheet where you will be scoring the interpretation step by step. And now for the interpretation.
'll start reading the dream you've written and put the title seems most appropriate, without stopping to think much, let your intuition guide you and then sleep at the end of write what you think it means, your first impression, but not sure / a of if it's successful.
Then imagine that the dream is what you have written to tell an alien that has come to Earth but, although it can speak our language, you need to explain all the words. To explain all the words on the sheet by definition you will see that dream is to make sense for you. For example, replaced the word "table" with "furniture that serves to put the food (or writing utensils, work, etc ... depending on how you define a table).
'll need to consider a number of things:
When relive the feelings you had in the dream, do you remember something in your life today?
describes the initial stage of sleep, place, mood and feelings. How does it feel to be on that stage? What do you think? How does it feel to be there, standing, or driving a car, etc?
Does this remind you something? "The place, mood or feelings you remember any situation in your life?
Who is X? (X = person)
What is X? What kind of person would imagine it could be X, given his appearance and actions in the dream? How
X in your sleep? X What are you doing in your sleep?
How is your relationship with X wakefulness?
X "reminds you of something or someone in your life?
Is there any part of you that is like X?
Who is Y? (Y = object)
And what is your dream life? Do you like / dislike Y? Do you think And they're wonderful, silly, necessary, fun or healthy?
Does it remind you of sleep and anything, any part of you, or anything in your life? How?
Does the action or major events that appear in the dream you remember any situation in your waking life?.
Now how do you understand the dream?
Always keep in mind when we dream of a particular person that he / she is a mere image and we have to look at the qualities they have and which are those that are interested in joining us to sleep.
The archetypes are those elements that have the same meaning for everyone, for example, dream of "water" has to do with emotions, a "house" represents our person ... being so, we must bear in mind that it is always better to dream of a river where "the emotions flow" that dream of a pond where "emotions are at a standstill," "our house" will be better if it's nice and cozy instead of dirty and deteriorated .
Although the archetypes we can lend a hand in deciphering our dreams, it is much better than everyone put together their own dream dictionary. Be alert
/ aa symbols, characters and emotions that appear repeatedly in your dreams. Write them in your personal dictionary, specifying the meaning and importance attached to them. Remember that what matters is what is meant by an item for you, because others can have a totally different interpretation and that does not correspond at all with your feelings. If you're scoring
these symbols that are repeated will be much easier to interpret your dreams. Do not forget that your dreams can be of great utility, but does not understand right away. The key to success when you interpret your dreams is in practice a lot, though initially cost you'll soon get off. Lucid Dreaming
The main problem in relation to lucid dreaming is the way to get to know you're dreaming. It is recommended Mentalic you before bed to include a significant element of the dream for you and your car, your watch, a medal, etc. This element will act as a mark to let you know that you are dreaming.
unrealizable dream of activities in daily life as flying or being invisible can also be a good track that makes you realize you're in the middle of a dream. Anything that does not correspond with reality is an indication that you have immersed / a in a lucid dream.
The practice of lucid dreaming allows you to act without fear of physical harm. In dreams, for example, can pass through solid objects, fly or breathe underwater. In recognize the time element "unreal" you say to yourself / a "I'm dreaming" or "I'm in a dream."
Another exercise to have a lucid dream is as follows: when you're lying down in bed before sleep or insomnia sleep prevents you count each breath, the inspired say "one" and to expel the air says "I'm dreaming. " As you breathe again say "two" and expelling the air "I'm dreaming." Then continue the same way, saying "three", "I'm dreaming", etc ... Once you've
made aware that you within a dream you can change it as you like for your benefit. If you are walking down a road where your feet sink you will find that is a lucid dream and you can try changing the road into water, sawdust or anything else just wanting it.
To learn more about lucid dreaming recommend reading the book "The Castle of 9 mirrors" Irene Mond (Ed. Obelisk). NIGHTMARES
Almost everyone has experienced a dream that causes anxiety or fear. Some people dream of the same nightmare again and again. Others suffer nightmares whose script change despite having the same message. Common dreams that the person falls, being chased, attacked, you're late for an examination, is unable to move or scream, is naked in public ... this type of dream usually reflects the inability of the dreamer to recognize and resolve conflicts in real life. Importantly
recurring nightmares trying to provide an important service to the dreamer. If, having a nightmare, our reaction is to try to forget as soon as possible, then we lose an opportunity to learn from it and we will ignore the message we try to convey.
In this sense, nightmares can be considered as a way to identify and address personal problems. Sometimes they warn us about current behavior patterns or imbalances psychological to solve. If we heed the warning and seek a solution in real life, we will not have nightmares, or have the dream again but with another end, the ideal conclusion, which is the ultimate proof that we have solved the problem.
Nightmares can have one of these reasons:
weak emotional state. a memory (conscious or subconscious)
a traumatic event. an external factor (eg, the noise made by heating or air conditioning to shut down every night) we are not aware of that but it detects the brain, producing an abrupt change in sleep
. poor digestion if she falls asleep immediately after eating copiously
. intake of alcohol or drug use
. a personality characterized by anxiety, insecurity or nervousness
control and cure for nightmares are several steps you can take are:
. Avoid alcohol and stimulants before bedtime.
. If you sleep in a house where you hear a noise settings ear plugs to see if the noise causes an abrupt change in sleep state that will lead you to suffer nightmares.
. Try to write all your nightmare on paper, then read it out loud, tear the paper into bits and throw it away. This can have a therapeutic effect that comes into your subconscious.
. Turn your nightmare in a lucid dream and controls the events of the dream as if you were the director of a film.
If you're dreaming you fall and that will generate anxiety, ideally you let go and fall to find out where and what you find when you get there. Another option is that as you go open your arms and fly away. That way you can turn a nightmare into a dream joyful and liberating.
If your nightmare being chased you can turn around and face the pursuer. If you do not dare to do in your natural form can transform into another person or maybe want to do it in the form of animal, like a wolf, a bear ... Characters of dreams are bad while only one will be afraid and go back to them. THANKS
To my parents, for giving me the most precious gift I have, life.
Raquel, for guiding me in interpreting my dreams and for encouraging me to interpret itself.
John, for believing in me and encouraging me to pass on my knowledge about dreams
Diego, my oldest son, for sharing with me how he works with his nightmares.
All people who have encouraged me in this project and have not hesitated even a second of my ability to carry out and those who have worked on it.
To Mary, my mother, the angel who looks after my children while I will help you, without it this would not have been possible.
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