Monday, September 21, 2009

Cool Birthday Wishesfor 18 Old

display for the third eye chakra

En algún lugar del cielo se encuentra tu estrella, tu hogar espiritual. Encontrar este lugar mejorará la intuición que surge de ti desde el chakra del tercer ojo.
Siéntate tranquilamente y relájate. Displays a purple blue night sky dotted with millions of bright stars. You feel a fresh sense of peace while contemplating the infinite space. Let your third eye chakra is calm, open and receptive.
your vision while traveling on the image of heaven, is a star that attracts your attention. Focus on that point of light and watch it grow as you approach him. Look at what type of star is your color and if it rings. Whatever its form, is a reference in the sky that only you know.
Sit down and stay with your star, noting that information, impressions or feelings arise. Breathe and stretch your feet and your hands to return your consciousness to the Earth.


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