Monday, September 21, 2009

Rubik Cube Original Buy


Use this exercise to release emotional aspects of the sacral chakra.
Imagine you're sitting by the water, either a lake or sea. There is a complete peace and calm and the sun shines on the surface of the water to hide. Imagine the moon with its silver disc comes slowly in the sky and is above water. Feel the effect of moonlight as a balm for your senses.
then look at a silver path on the water that reaches the moon. You feel so full of light that can take this path with your feet floating above the water surface. As you approach the fullness of the moon feel like all the negativity, sadness and anger dissolve. The air is fresh and fragrant and feel at peace.
Feel your feet on the ground and return to the starting point, watching the moon on the horizon rocks. Let your attention back to the present.


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